Titanic Launch News Report


Although scarce, there are plenty of ads and news strories for Titanic before the disaster and even more after but it is not too common to find newspaper stories of the actual launch. It was a very celebrated event with many VIP's, dignitaries as well as thousands of ordinary people showing up to watch as the most famous ship in the world was launched into the water.

This small but very descriptive news report, from the UK's Cornishman & Cornish Telegraph newspaper, is dated June 3, 1911, just 3 days after the widely published event took place. The last sentence says it all:

"Thus undemonstratively was born this the most marvellous creature yet conceived by the art of naval architecture and the science of marine engineering."

After the launch, all VIP's went to the Grand Central Hotel Belfast to celebrate as shown in this time-era postcard.


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